Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week 19 of 52

                This week I am learning how to use my new camera...a couple of weeks ago my point and shoot camera that I have had for quite a number of years broke...just a couple of weeks before I take a little trip...

                I have been on-line to and to Best Buy looking for a camera to replace the broken one...Joe kept telling me to wait, not to do anything about a camera yet, that we would go together and look for one...

                A few days later a package came by UPS addressed to Aaron...mmm...I asked Joe about it and he said that he had ordered something he needed through Aaron...Aaron works at asked Aaron about it and he said it was his it got shipped to our house by mistake and Joe was supposed to be mailing it ya!... Pretty hard to keep secrets at my house especially when I am a little bit of a sneak/snoop whatever you want to call it...

                On Sunday I was given my Mothers day gift from Joe, Adam and Aaron...they all contributed to the Sunday 13th May is Mothers day but I will be out of town...

                 My new camera is a Canon Power Shot SX260 is awesome but I do need to learn how to use all it's are my first few practice shots...taken around my yard...

                                                                  macro effect...

                                                                   fish-eye effect...

                                                                    normal lens...

                                                        same shot but using zoom...

                  Think I am going to have a lot of fun with this camera once I know how to use it...thanks to my guys...


1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I love the fish eye option. I wish mine had that, I have to use editing software, but it's just not the same. Have fun playing and learning about your new toy! Happy Mother's Day :)
