Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 31 of 52

                           This week Joe has been very busy working on the bedroom's not quite finished but he has got a good start...he left this morning on a business trip to Cancun...yeah you read that right...Cancun...I'm a little bit jealous...
                                                            partially finished floor...

               ...on Friday afternoon we went to the Uptown Art Fair...we haven't been for a couple of years and we found that it has changed a little...didn't seem as good but we think it could have been due the heat we were walking around was just too hot to be we left and went to the Valley Tap House for beers and appetizer's... is an update on the Gladiola that I planted in the spring...they are blooming...

                                        first attempt at growing Gladiola...

         I'm still working on the Couch to I did W2D2...but I came home with a little bit of pain in one ankle...we will have to see where this takes me...maybe these 59 year old joints are just not up to the challenge...but I am not ready to give up yet...


  1. The floor looks great and the glads too! I love those and would love to grow them, but for some reason...I haven't tried it yet. You might be my inspiration to plant them come spring!

  2. they were easy...just plant them and they will grow...
