What to do...what to do...I am beginning to feel a little mmm I don't know...not overwhelmed so much as a little short of time to do a project a week...I have been working four or five days a week for what seems like weeks now...yes hours are cut somewhat but getting up so early...4:30am...and keeping up with my everyday day stuff...who wants to come home from work at 2 or 3 or 5 in the afternoon and start a big project...takes me all the time to get dinner ready some days...
Brown sugar and balsamic vinegar pork loin....
Speaking of dinner...I did make a new dish last night...a friend of mine pinned it on pinterest...she made it and told me how good it was so I thought I would give it a try...Brown sugar and balsamic vinegar pork loin...you make it in the slow cooker which was good...gave me time to enjoy some of the record high day...Joe and I took Izzy for a hour long walk...
It was such a nice day yesterday that I wanted to throw open the windows...so Joe cleaned the windows and I cleaned up the screens...and we got those back in...the windows were open all day...even slept with our bedroom window open...I am off work today but it is raining...it's not going to stop me putting a little more Spring around the house...going to dress up the front porch with my Spring items...I think Spring is finally here...