Monday, January 23, 2012

week 4 of 52....

          I don't know about you but every time I put something away in my cabinets get more and more for this weeks task/job I decided to start going through my cabinets and clean out and throw out...every time Joe travels overseas he brings back another beer glass from a or restaurant that he has visited...this is all well and good...but these glasses have to live somewhere and that somewhere tends to be in my kitchen cabinets so then I don't have room for what I really need in my kitchen...

                 These are my messy cabinets before I started to clean them out...

                                            These are the same cabinets cleaned out...

          This is going to be an on going process...I have lots more cabinets to go...and some of the stuff I cleaned out today only got moved to another cabinet to deal with another day...because I want to organise my cabinets in a certain way...I have to work this afternoon so my cabinet cleaning is going to carry over into another day...

Friday, January 20, 2012

update to week 3 of 52

          In my last post I was struggling trying to get the 'pinit' icon from Pinterest onto my toolbar so that I can surf the web and pin items of interest onto my Pinterest I finally figured it out and I already pinned my first pictures of the village I grew up I need to learn how to copy and paste so that I can put the 'follow me on pinterest' icon pictured here on my blog...I am not too computer savvy so it takes me a while to learn my way around but I get will there eventually...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 3 of 52...

          Not too much to report this week...I cleaned out and organised my spice drawer...

   I tried a new recipe...creamy carrot soup...and baked bread to go with it...everyone seemed to like it...


          I downloaded a book onto my nook and read it in one brought back a lot of memories of when I was about 12 or sister Rose and Pam a friend of ours back then and I used to go to the local library almost every week...we would literally run through the library to get to the shelves where the books by the author Enid Blyton would be...she wrote children's adventure books...The Famous Five series and The Secret Seven series were just a couple of her was one of the Famous Five series that I downloaded...'The Famous Five on a Treasure Island'...and no surprises here, they were on an island and there was treasure involved...this book was the first one of The Famous Five series and was written in 1942...we got so involved in these books that we even had our own little club along with another friend we were called PLAR...Pam, Lynn, Angela and Rose...I don't really remember too much about what we did together in this club...just that we did once explore an old empty house and in the basement we found a lot of posters and such hanging on the walls...thinking back it was probably where older teens hung out...I really don't think 12 and 13 year old girls of today would be in the least bit interested in reading these books...they seem very child like for the sophisticated young girls of today...

          I joined Pinterest this week and I am totally confused and addicted...I have already spent way too much time on this new interest...I was invited by someone who was once my manager at Hallmark...I signed up...made some choices of my interests...was given a few people to follow...I started some boards of my interests and I know how to pin from other peoples to the confusing part...I am supposed to somehow download a 'pinit' and put it in a bookmark...I have tried and tried to do this...I have watched tutorals on this but still don't get it...I need this 'pinit' so when I am surfing the web if I see something I would like on my boards I can "pinit' for the rest of this week it will be my task to try to figure out how to bookmark the elusive 'pinit'...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

week 2 of 52...

          Week 2 of 52 was easy...just a continuation of week 1...cleaned the outside of my kitchen cabinets...I told you it snowballs when you start something.

          Now on to week 3 of 52...I have a few days yet to decide what my next task will be....I figure my week is Sunday through Saturday...that's how I get paid at work so may as well stick with my next task going to be another cleaning job or will it be something fun...check back sometime next week and find out...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week One of 52 in 52...


Cabinets are cleared...

Everything is down...


Cleaned and organised...
trouble I have to clean the cabinets...
already know what my week 2 of 52 is going to be...

Friday, January 6, 2012

52 in 52


          I stole this idea from my niece Dawn's blog. Dawn read in another blog about someone who is going to read 52 books in 52 I love to read but that is a little ambitious for me. Dawn is choosing to do 52 tasks around her house [inside or outside] in 52 weeks. I am not quite as motivated as Dawn but I think it is a great idea [that's why I am stealing it] but I need to get started quick or I will have missed week one...

          I am choosing to do one task each week for 52 weeks...but when I say task it doesn't necessarily mean a cleaning and organising task...although my home could definitely use might mean I go do something that I have never done before like check out a local museum...there are lots around the cities that I have not visited...or go somewhere that I haven't been in a long time...the Minnesota Zoo comes to first task has been needing doing for months...and yes it is a cleaning task...I am going to clean the tops of my kitchen cabinets...tomorrow Saturday 7th January 2012 is the day I start my 52 in 52...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thoughts of resolutions...


           Here we are another New Year. I don't normally make New Years resolutions because I have a hard time keeping them...I start out well but only last for a short time. Last year I thought I would cook a new dish once a week or was it once a month...I don't even remember...but I do remember it didn't happen very often...oh I did cook a few new dishes but not that many that I can even recall what they were. Maybe this year I will try a little harder to plan meals ahead of time and try some new dishes...sounds like a resolution in the making there.

          As many of you know we were in Mexico back in October...every time we come home from our vacation we know a couple more words in Spanish then we did before we went...I can think of about three words I can say in Spanish right now...I always talk about learning to speak Spanish before we go back to Mexico for our next vacation...sounds like this could be another resolution.

          I always wanted to learn to ride a horse...really ride one not just sit on one and play follow my leader on a trail ride...

          I would like to learn to play the guitar...we have one sitting here...Adam plays a little...what he does play was self taught...I think he did this by going online to some learn to play guitar websites...I should give this a try...

          Exercise is something I could use more of...I walk when the weather allows it but living in Minnesota outside exercise is not always an option...Joe and I used to belong to an health club...we went three or four times a week and I would meet a friend there and we would play racquetball...did a couple of yoga classes which I really enjoyed and I really liked running on the treadmill...then the weather got nice and we never went back...that was three or four years ago...

          I need to write more...not just my blog but my personal diary...I haven't written for either one for months...would be nice if I could write one or the other at least once a never know my personal diary could be published in the future as a 'mummy dearest book' it is all my deepest thoughts on my ups and downs of normal everyday life...

          So the way I see it by this time next year I am going to be posting that I am now a Spanish speaking, guitar playing very skinny cook that can ride a horse...ha...sounds good but I can't see it happening can you?