Saturday, February 12, 2011

In Loving Memory......

    .........continued.....Ten years ago today I was in the middle of raising two sons, 12 and 16 years old, everything was going well. A few days earlier my Dad had been diagnosed with angina, he had an appointment set up with a heart specialist for the following week..just after midnight of the morning of 12th February 2001 my Mom called us panicking, my Dad was having chest pains and she could not get him to swallow his medication, Joe immediately got up, got dressed and headed down to my Mom and Dad's house which was just minutes away. I stayed home, the boys were sleeping. By the time Joe got to Mom's house she was on the phone to the emergency services.

     The next I heard Joe was calling me from the emergency room of the local hospital. Joe told me it did not look good. About a hour later Joe called me again to say my Dad was was 2am...8am in England. I needed to call my sister in England, it was the second hardest thing I had to do that day. I got hold of her husband, my sister had not got home from work she works over nights..I broke the bad news.

                                   Joe brought my Mom home to our house

     The hardest thing I had to do this day was to tell my sons that Grandpa died. Adam was the first one up to get ready to go to High School...I managed to tell him about Grandpa. But when Aaron got up to get ready for Middle School I fell apart, I couldn't do it again, I couldn't tell another child his Grandpa had died, Joe took over and told Aaron about Grandpa.

     My life changed that day ten years ago. I often wonder why the doctor did not send my Dad to the specialist right away, would my Dad still be with us..but I also believe we are here for a planned length of time and it was my Dads time to go.

     My Mom's life changed even more that day..she and my Dad were married almost 50 years and she lost her life partner.

                                                              Treasure your family.

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